Together we will find the ideal solution

Take a look at the most popular types of events for which we have suitable venues that are time-tested. Get inspired and rely on us to make sure your rental goes beautifully.
We can handle (almost) anything.

Business meeting or interview

Do you need a representative meeting room, even if only for an hour? You'll find them at a good price with us.

Workshop, seminar or training

We will provide professional space and full service. We can help you with promotion, preparation and refreshments to really impress your guests.

Large event for dozens of participants

Are you looking for a large space for a conference, corporate event, meeting, lecture, networking or even a press conference? You've come to the right place.

Photography and filming of all kinds

We can record, film, stream and take photos thanks to our studio. We can also provide production and post-production or just a space with equipment. It's all up to our agreement.

Celebrations and parties

Hosting a private party with friends or a lavish celebration of life? Parties are our favourite category and we'll make sure you and your guests will not want to go home.

Together we will figure it out

You are looking for a event venue, we are offering it. Email us, call us or fill in the form; it doesn't matter, we will dedicate ourselves to you with the same passion and commitment. Let's put together an event you'll remember with pleasure.


Na telefonu jsme každý pracovní den

od 8:30 do 18:30.

Every weekday

from 8:30 am to 6:30 pm.

Veronika Barbuščáková

Veronika Barbuščáková

Naše šikovná evenťačka, která se svým týmem udělá vše proto, aby byl váš pronájem podle vašich představ.

Veronika Barbuščáková

Our skilled event planner and her team will do everything to make your rental the way you want it.

Květoslava Lišková

We hold regular events at the Impact Hub and we love coming back. Their approach is compassionate and understanding, everything is negotiable, responses are immediate and nothing is a problem. Just super pro-customer service.

Květoslava Lišková, marketing specialist, Raynet

Sleva 15 % na pronájem eventových prostor

Pošlete nám v březnu poptávku na akci, která se koná kdykoliv v roce 2025, zmiňte heslo #spolukrásno a sleva 15 % je vaše.